CRUSADER II Power Supply

The First Crusader II power supply
and built in USA
This supply will need to be upgraded with the new version, shown below. It is identified by the toggle switch in back as well as the power cord pig tail that usually ends in a 3 pin rubber round plug.

The “NEW” Crusader II power supply
This model has we have an upgraded power supply board. Our solution to problems with this is to replace the Printed Circuit (PC) card with the one shown below. Our new design is much less heat, and more efficient.
WE RECOMMEND that you remove the battery which is shown removed. The battery is a NICAD type that shorts out with age. The power supply tries to charge , which puts out a large ammount of heat. If you wish the CNC control to be battery backed up, look for a Uninteruptable Power Supply for a personal computer. It will keep the machine powered for longer time.
"NEW" Anilam and LED PC Board

NEW “ Anilam and the LEC PC boards
and built in USA
“This is a picture of the NEW style power supply PC card and the LEC replacement board. Note the connectors are all at the same locations and there are 4 LED’s that give indication that the supply is running.
There is a 3 second delay in the 5 volts supply output. This is normal, and a delay is required by the CNC green tab board.

Upgrade from the an Anilam power supply to the LEC power supply.
Final result in power supply upgrade is shown. This is what the supply will look like after update.
An upgrade from the First to the NEW power supply comes with the new metal chassis, and longer cables with right connectors to plug into the front panel and the motherboard. These are shown attached to the power supply at the top and lower right corner of the PC card